Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

The View From..

My bathroom window, believe it or not.

This is an achievement, as, in order to see this, I have to stand on the bog, open the 2 foot by 1 foot anti-suicide window to its maximum 45 degree angle, rotate (thankfully) skinny head thro 90 degrees, Houdini the camera and attached arm thro the resulting gap, and Hail Mary the picture.

I like this view, full, as it is, of an essence of the beauty of Rural Ireland, serene, waiting patiently on the cusp of the bursting verdancy that the late-coming Spring promises....

I would have a similar view from the window beside my desk, but some 25 foot, ivy-covered, tree-huggers wet dream is in the way, teeming with nesting finches and other interesting Amateur-Attenborough Attractors.

The Dawn Chorus will soon be splintered by the sound of screaming chainsaws.

Hey- this place is bloody expensive, and I expect to get the view I want, and pay for......

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