
By CharlotteJ

Things that go bump in the night!

Last night I become very aware I hadn’t seen Mills milling around at dinner time like she normally does, not to beg, but to be with us. I knew she wasn’t in the garden as it wasn’t ‘garden time’ for her. I found her curled up on the bean bag and knew instantly something was wrong. A few seconds later I got her to wake but her left eye was huge, red and very gooey. I naturally called the vets and they naturally asked that we bring her in. So 10am last night driving through thick fog we arrive at the late night vets with one very poorly Mills. It transpired Mills has an ulcer on her eye. We left £200 lighter with a miserable Mills. At 6am (after the night checking on her) her eye was worse! At 8:30am we were at the vets. This time we saw the senior vet…Mills was given two shots for pain and antibiotics and we now have a course of antibiotics with her eye drops. The vet was lovely and there was something about her wisdom that reassured me.

Anyway, tonight was the village up from us Christmas Market, we went and this guy was hiding in the walk way having a sneaky ciggy! I told him that he was going to have his picture taken! He later appeared in the Choir.
Chris and I ended up having dinner at the local village pub ….was very good I have to say.

Now its time for my bed.

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