It's a Journey....

By LeeAnn

Beautiful Table

Laura and Mustafa prepared Thanksgiving dinner today. This was the first time they had prepared a holiday meal and their first turkey. I used a photo of the table for today's blip because Laura was so excited to show me how nice everything looked. She knows that I enjoy dressing a nice table when company is coming. Mustafa was in charge of the turkey and it was a masterpiece. He had researched recipes and methods and it was beautiful and delicious.

After dinner Don and I drove into Minneapolis because the Lowry Bridge was supposed to be lit in orange/yellow/brown for Thanksgiving, but it was blue just like the other night. Big disappointment! The streets of the city were pretty much deserted so we did have some fun just driving around. Drove all around the new Vikings football Stadium that is being built. There are many huge cranes there and we tried to find a viewpoint to get a neat shot of the cranes with the city lights but couldn't find a good spot. Will have to research that and try again another night. I am going to send an email to the Parks Department that is in charge of lighting that bridge!

All in the all though, a wonderful day with our family. Laura and Mustafa provided a wonderful meal for us and then we had fun playing a silly game and laughing. Laura and Anna just called and they are off shopping the pre-Black Friday sales - crazy!

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