
By KeepLifeSimple

Happy Turkey Day

Pet lovers all over the world know that we celebrate the holidays with our pets just like they are family, but it finally appears the pet food industry has acknowledged that fact too; for marketing purposes I'm sure. My mom bought my kitties 3 cans of "Thanksgiving Day Dinner" One each for Buster, Cinder, & P.J. I caught Buster in a nano second of trying out the lid, but the verdict from all three was; while we humans find it endearing to give them a can that says "Thanksgiving Day Dinner," it must have left much to be desired because very little was consumed. Unlike the human dinner my family & I had:-) Brandon, Mark, Mom, Kenzie & I had a great time. Tons of foods & lots of phone calls with family that couldn't be there. The only exception was Mark's son Eric, who can't call because he is in boot camp. The one thing that makes that ok are the letters from Eric saying how great he is doing! So many things to be thankful for this day.

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