Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

All in a tangle

Wow, what a day.

We had more interviews before our group meeting at noon. Running late we set off at speed, I slipped on wet stairs, instinctively put my hand out to stop myself falling too far and have strained the ligaments to my thumb.

On the plus side, the group took everything we threw at them today and by the end of the session we pretty much knew who was going through for the 14 places we had. This photo is of the group playing the tangle game. Everyone joins hands across a circle and then you try and untangle yourselves. It doesn't work with 24 people!

We went along to the Regent for the hour of forced socialising that we are making our group enjoy then S and I headed off for the hardest evening we hopefully will have to have in the run up to Beltane. We had to ring seven people and tell them they hadn't made it through to our group. The only plus side to this was then getting to ring 14 and telling them had made it.

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