We won!

Wonders never cease. It wasn't the best of games but we won.

Not feeling to wonderful today, I know it's going to take time for me to feel better in myself but I'd been doing so well that this slump in mood has really hit me for six.
I think it's partly my own fault as I decided not to go out to song and rhyme or playgroup yesterday. I just didn't feel up to seeing people and other than popping to the post office to post some eBay stuff I haven't seen anyone other than Mr L and the boys.
The loneliness and boredom is creeping back in and I think it's been made worse by know that Louise is going back to work in January as her maternity leave is over so there will be no meeting up with her and Ollie in the week unless she is allowed to reduce her hours and it means unless she is taking a year off Claire will be back in work soon too.
I think these brick walls are just going to keep popping up for a little while.
Both boys have got a top tooth coming through so we had a bad night last night and I don't think that has helped with my mood.

Fingers crossed those toothy pegs come through asap and that we all get a better nights sleep tonight

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