What a day

The sun was out, the wind had dropped and it was our chance to bravely scale the highest mountain on Benbecula. Sandwiches and thermoses were packed and off we set.
Actually Rueval is a bit of a pimple and the top can be reached within thirty minutes of walking from the nearest place to park the car. However it is the only pimple around and so the view is impressive in all directions. As ever on the Outer Hebrides the distinctions between the fresh water, the sea and the land are difficult to follow at times. This image is looking to the east to those other pimples on Skye called the Cuillins.
My clever little app said 5km all in when we has finished the walk. Two ornithological bonuses were a White-taield Eagle that watched us for the last km and the leucistic Stonechat I featured last month showing well.

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