
Hi Tom

Such a beautiful day today so I decided to get the bike out and take off for a ride. I cycled 15 miles. I stopped to have a chat to a friend and also had a couple of stops to stretch my back out. I'm hoping it was troubling me because I'm using different muscles and not because anything is wrong. I guess only time will tell. I really must get out on the bike twice a week. Not only do my muscles need to get used to it but I need to learn how to use the damned gears. I need an automatic gear changing bike.

Anyway one of my stop to stretch points was here by the woods. It was so quiet and the sun was shining through the trees. Really lovely. So I took a few snaps with my phone.

Went into town today and couldn't believe the money I was getting off bits and bobs I needed. I took advantage and now I have almost finished my Christmas shopping. That really is a first for me....I'm usually running about town at 4.00pm Christmas Eve.

I also designed our own Christmas cards today. That's yet another first for me. Really it's due to an offer I got from a free photo service site I use. I'm really pleased with the result. I can't wait to see the finished item.

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