Fit Day?

Dylan: Fit like i day min?
Bandit: What did you say Dylan?
Dylan: I said "Fit like i day min?"
Bandit: Why are you speaking like that Dylan?
Dylan: It's St Andrews Day day!
Bandit: And?
Dylan: Ee's the patron saint o' Scotland and I'm celebratin' by spikin Scots a day.
Bandit: But I won't be able to understand you!
Dylan: Fit why nae? Abody else kens fit am spikin aboot.
Bandit: Well I don't
Dylan: Ye can be a richt skunner at times Bandit.
Bandit: And just what is a skunner?
Dylan: Michty me min! Fit are we tae dee we ye?
Bandit: I really don't think it is me that has the problem Dylan!
Dylan: Oh wheesht Bandit. Yer makin' my lugs dirl.
Bandit: Yer aff yer heed!
Dylan: Ats it quine.

Track five of "Tracks of my years". I was still at school in 1968 and one lunchtime, a group of us went to a local record shop, as we often did. Scott asked if we could hear Forever Changes by Love. This is the first track and every time I hear it, I get shivers down my back and I must have heard it thousands of times.

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