Line up
It seems our fears that the new wall would upset the birds were overstated. After a whole day being scared away from their feeders yesterday, they were back in force today, making good use of the new perching place. Until the cat finds a way to climb up there, it will be a safe place to be - but by then we will have moved the feeders to a safer spot.
Otherwise, today was mostly about making and eating Sunday dinner. With a wide-ranging discussion from names of generations, through the second world war to the internet age. As is always the case the kids slip away before the natural end of these discussions. But that's probably for the best as, if they didn't slip away, the natural end might be the early hours.
More rain today, but we've not had it nearly as bad as down where we used to live in France. I suspect in the PO 'our' swimming pool will be halfway to the sea....
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