
I've been thinking a lot about this post because I'm worried it's going to end up being downbeat when, really, the message is uplifting. Supposed to be uplifting. Well, I think it's uplifting. Anyway...

Last night, when Ian and I were out and chatting, we dwelled for a little while on the subject of religion. And it was only a little while because we were pretty much on the same page. But I took the opportunity to mention the article I saw in The Independent, years and years ago. It was about a Buddhist convention in London and it had a photo of this huge sand painting that they'd made on the floor of a hall. At the end of the conference, they swept it all up and this was supposed to be representative of how nothing lasts forever.

Over the next few days I found myself thinking about this more and more. The concept had struck a chord with me, the idea that nothing lasts forever. On the surface, it's quite a sad idea, I know, but, actually, it's a great incentive to enjoy things while they last. And also a help when it comes to accepting that something is over. The only real sadness is realising that, when something good is over, you didn't enjoy it while it was there.

I'm mentioning this because today this little fellow spent a lot of time by my window. He was too tired to fly, although he tried occasionally. Dressed in his autumnal colours it was obvious that he didn't have very long left. I hope he had a good summer, though, and I'm glad that nothing ate him.

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