
By tpd

now I know...

I couldn't figure out why the door of the house had these lovely bird stained glass panels. It could of course be that this was typical Edwardian fashion, featuring in the equivalent of House & Homes or I Say, Look At My Mansion. But now I know. The house comes complete with a family of robins that live in the hedge and use the car as their privy. As Blackadder put it:

Um, well, what we are talking about in privy terms is the latest in front wall fresh air orifices combined with a wide capacity gutter installation below

Substitute "large blue car" and you've got it. A robin's delight.

First Sunday in advent can only mean one thing: it's not long until a giant turkey gets it, I take a break from work and watch an inordinate number of films, the cake is cut and eaten and we hopefully catch up with some friends and family. Roll on Christmas... even if the commercial side does get earlier and earlier every year.

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