
By tpd


The first of +1/2's Christmas presents turned up today. I couldn't work out why people were staring at the box on the train but it was probably because I'd forgotten it had my name and workplace in HUGE letters on it.

+1/2: if you're reading this don't look!

+1/2 having a giggle at some random nonsense on the telly just before +1/3 headed off to work bed.

1st December - where did the time go? - and +3/3 was the lucky recipient of the chocolate from the advent calendar. Strict age order and rotation (we're not getting any) is quite handy for finding out who can count in threes... No tree yet (and there won't be for quite some time)

Train, work, falafel, gym, train, dinner, bedtime stories and finally never mind the buzzcocks.

Music for today: Fugazi First Demo. Considering it was recorded in 1988 it still sounds amazing contemporary and is definitely worth a listen if you've not heard it.

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