Sunday: Elisabeth

This is my mum's friend Elisabeth. Next February they will have known each other for 30 years, having first met when Mum gave her English lessons. The lessons have long fallen by the wayside, but now they do lots of other fun things together like opera, plays, painting etc.

Elisabeth is 88 and remarkably active. She is always out and about and the walls of her flat are covered with her own paintings.

Mum and I were invited for 'Kaffee und Kuchen' this afternoon (essentially, coffee and cake but that doesn't really sum it up - it's all about the atmosphere), before going to the theatre to see a one man show about the life of Erich Kästner, one of Germany's most famous authors (his best known book is probably 'Emil And The Detectives'). It was excellent - really entertaining, thought-provoking and great on life in pre-war Berlin.

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