
A day of mishaps on the road, starting with this, the most mangled burst tyre I've seen. Testament to Cambodia's awful roads (in places).

Later a more serious incident when our vehicle hit a guy carrying vegetables on his bike in the evening with no lights, and he was injured. In Cambodia in the absence of any defined etiquette or system for situations like this, they can turn nasty, especially if an injured party or the police equate one of the parties with a ready source of cash in a sort of lynch mob forced compensation scenario.

The situation was mainly resolved with lots of urging by us of bystanders to ensure the injured guy got to hospital whilst being asked to accompany the police to the station, whilst at the same time being advised by the insurers not to go to the police station in case we were coerced into signing something. In the end our patient Khmer colleague made sure the vehicle was towed to the police station while we hid in the shadows of a nearby shop as we'd also been warned that relatives/crowds can be quite vigilante like when they perceive someone has done something wrong.

Never a dull day in Cambodia. Tomorrow we find out how the injured guy is. I think he will be ok.

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