Photography for Wellness

By wellness4me


My current obsession is my cockatiels two new hatchlings. Since the chick from the last clutch lost it's life after one month, I did a lot of research and found out that the chick, who I had named 'Lil T-Rex' had very stunted growth and his death was inevitable. This photo is of the bigger of their new babies, two weeks old and Sooooo MUCH healthier. Their feet are the size of it's parents, they are starting to stretch their wings in preparation to fly and the feather growth is incredible!!! I am constantly sitting on the cold tile floor in front of their cage, looking through the bars and into the darkk nesting box. The first thing I do when I get home is check on the baby cockatiels and feed momma and dadda fresh fruits and veggies. To the prosperity of my new hatchlings.

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