Photography for Wellness

By wellness4me

Jos & Louis

I wish I was an animal....survival of the fittest, an no hurt feelings if you aren't "fit" enough, you just lay your body on the soft earth and give it back to feed those who are still surviving.... Ani difranco describes survival in a way I can relate to in her song "Talk to me Now":

is a full time occupation
i'm determined
to survive on these shores
i don't avert my eyes anymore
in a man's world
i am a woman by birth
and after nineteen times around i have found
they will stop at nothing once they know what you are worth
talk to me now
i played the powerless
in too many dark scenes
and i was blessed with a birth and a death
and i guess i just want some say in between
don't you understand
in the day to day
in the face to face
i have to act
just as strong as i can
just to preserve a place
where i can be who i am
so if you still know how
talk to me now"

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