this sheep and more of her family too.
After the morning jobs done (me in the garden) Piet Hein and I walked after lunch towards and then along the Weser. Our last walk for the time being, morning travelday to The Hague.
Despite the cold we enjoyed our walk and made it just a little bit too long. The reason simply, we hoped for the little blue in the sky to grow and would not the sun appear even for a moment?
My thoughts during the day kept wondering why estrangement between family members can turn into a lack of ever coming together again. And then when death interferes, it makes it even more poignant and definitve. It will be best keeping the good memories have the upper hand.

My haiku:

It looks as if she
Is lonely and she was indeed
Although family was near

And the proverb:

Drink wine, and have the gout; drink no wine, and have the gout too.

1584 Cogan Heaven of Health.

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