Flying High.

Yipee! G/daughter has been accepted at Cardiff University. We are all thrilled for her, and this afternoon, she had an offer from Aberystwyth. Cardiff was her first choice, so she will be going for her induction on 14th February, and to meet her Professor. The world is her oyster! After having this wonderful news, there was a knock on our back door. I opened the door, and Pat who lives opposite us, was standing there, clearly very upset. She said that Terry, her husband, had collapsed in the bathroom, and she couldn't lift him up. J went over with her, and just about managed to get him as far as the bedroom, and onto the bed. J told her to phone 999, for an ambulance. Terry was in hospital a few weeks ago, and was discharged, but he hasn't been much better since then. Three and a half hours later, the ambulance turned up. What is going on, with our National Health Service? Why did they keep a sick man waiting for so long? J did think he was going to pass away this morning, as he looked so ill.This afternoon, we went for a drive to Porthcawl, just to clear our heads. It was bitterly cold, but sunny.

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