at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Double trouble (due June 2015)

This is why I've not been writing such long or regular blips recently- was waiting till we had a scan to make it public and it turned out to be a slightly more surprising scan than expected...

An exciting day all round- first of all the car wouldn't start this morning, Euan thinks the battery was drained so I got left with the car keys whilst he went to school to find someone to sort it. Ayesha came to the rescue and we plugged the car into the house with a big long cable- I was quite proud of myself for being able to open the bonnet, and Ivy was very impressed with Ayesha plugging in a car battery whilst wearing high heels...

When we first saw twins on the screen, we were both pretty shocked there was two- I'd been joking on the way in, since breastfeeding when you conceive increases your chances of non identical twins by about 11%- these two are identical though- so nothing made them more likely, they're just an overconfident egg. The sonographer looked pretty concerned/confussed whilst examining them, I thougth maybe one wasn't alive anymore (but she showed up both heartbeats) it turns out she was looking at the black blob on the side of the womb that may have been baby number 3 once upon a time. Slightly relieved there isn't still a baby number 3- that would truly have been terrifying.

Since they're identical and high risk, they've to be scanned every 2 weeks at the twin clinic- which means hauling mysefl and Ivy all the way to Inverness on a bus and Euan coming to collect us. The hospital pay half of your expenses, but it's going to rack up considerably- this and the fact that we're going to need a bigger car and start saving for a mortage on a bigger house means we're now on a food and fuel only budget for the forseable future. We can go to Aldi once a fortnight to stock the cupboards though, so that should save some pennies- Aldi pasta is 29p compared to £1 from Tesco! I'm particulouarly excited about the frozen duck breasts that are now in teh freezer, and Ivy is thrilled that Aldi bannanas are affordable enough to remain in our shopping list. (she cuddled a packet all the way round teh shop in relief)

Ivy likes to pat and 'kiss' my tummy and say 'Bibee' (baby), but she also pats her own (and once or twice Euan's) and says it too- she's going to get a shock when she realises that Baby isn't just another word for tummy.... Already working on teaching her to say 'babiessssss'

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