
By Munroist4113

Painting pottery

Apologies for yet another grandchild blip - Inkface will understand! - but it has been so full on I've had no time to think of much else. Today Ella woke at 6am so it was quite a long morning. We went to the swings then watched the children running about in the school playground. After that we went to the pottery where we could buy Christmas tree decorations to paint with acrylics. Ella chose a small Santa for £4 then we pushed the boat out and had a go at a bigger Christmas tree for £6. Here she is painting her tree in the pottery shop. Her completed Santa is beside the sample tree on the bottom left.

It's been a lovely few days having the little ones to stay but I'm looking forward to going out to a friend's for supper. I only hope I can remember how adult conversation goes, and that I don't start cutting up their food.

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