Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Woke this morning after 12hrs sleep. Felt quite fresh .

Kelly and Lewis popped up to see me as they were out for a walk. Haven't seen Lewis for over a week as he and Kelly have been over in Spain visiting her parents. Lewis looked a completely different child, it's amazing how a week can change them at this age.

I really don't feel myself and I am beginning to worry. I feel disconnected from my life and I'm trying to tumble my way through the day. I don't want to feel like this and I want to rewind a few weeks. I think I am regretting going through with this treatment. I am scared it is going to change my personality. I don’t feel safe . I also feel very emotional and just want to cry all the time.

Tomorrow I am hopefully seeing the psychiatrist who can hopefully answer my questions.

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