Union Terrace Gardens

Those of you in Scotland anywhere will likely have heard about this. I know it's been on the news not just in Aberdeen, but nationally too. So this is Union Terrace Gardens - the cause of massive public outcry in Aberdeen just now.

The problem? Peacock Visual Arts put in an application some time ago to build a new centre within Union Terrace Gardens. They have secured the planning permission and the funding for this.

Along comes Sir Ian Wood (the most successful Scottish oil man and now the second richest man in Scotland) who pledges £50m of his own money to give Aberdeen a City Square by bringing the gardens up to street level (there is a road and a railway line as you can see in this shot, they'd become tunnels or extensions of the bridge you can see. The top of the bridge is street level)

This has caused a huge difference of opinions and a consultation has now taken place and people are awaiting the results. Personally I don't really get what the fuss is about. *ANYTHING* would be better than the current deserted bit of grass that's there. Sit on the fence? Me? Never!!

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