
Really quite chilly,
In this place that I call home.
Might build a bonfire!

I've always had an appreciation for knitwear...not wool though, it makes me itch...but this week I'm loving it on a new level! Thank goodness it's only 8 more sleeps till Christmas jumper day!

Now, there's good news and bad news...

The good news is that after discussing options with my lovely plumber he put together a very reasonable quote for fitting a new boiler. He was optimistic we could get it fitted next week. I just had to think about numbers and get back to him this morning so he could get all the bits and pieces together.

I made a start on moving bits and pieces around as when the boys come they'll need access to all radiators. So, I decided to finally clear out the 'things that go nowhere else' cupboard, a bit like a man-drawer in the kitchen but on a bigger scale! Things get put in there while I decide whether they're worth listing on ebay or if I should take them into the charity shop.

Found a bag of clothes, it felt heavier than I remembered. It was wet. I found the leak that plumbers have been scratching their heads over for 4 years!

This meant in more good news, the first plumber was wrong about wanting to dig my floors up to find it!

In bad news, it's in the top corner of what used to be the airing cupboard and showing so signs of leaking in the loft so I don't know how we'll get to it and fix it but there's no point installing a new boiler until it is repaired or the pressure problem will keep recurring even if the other problems are resolved.

A few more days of being cold but I think I see light at the end of the tunnel and maybe when this stress is all dealt with I'll feel generally better healthwise too. A girl can hope :)

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