Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Under Yew

Visited the local church at lunchtime in search of a blip. While there I bumped into the local vicar, Simon, who remembered me from over two years ago. He recalled that I was looking to do a 365 photo project (doesn't time fly). We passed the time of day; he had just been on sabbatical walking a Welsh religious trail.

In chatting I explained how I loved the early mornings and sunrises and he suggested I check out a poet called Mary Oliver and one of her poems, "Why I wake early". It struck a chord, have a listen.

Anyway, deep under the tall yews in the churchyard lay this chest tomb, lying forgotten. I noted that the language was very similar to modern times with only the word 'relict' not in common use. It literally means 'left behind'.

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