
By gquandel

PSU Possibilities

My trip to Penn State Main Campus is one I will never forget. I took this picture on the way to m visiting day. I chose to attend this day because I am interested in majoring in k-12 vocal music education. The day started off with a career meeting in the recital hall. Next various individuals enrolled in Penn State’s college of music performed several short musical selections. These selections were anything from string quintets, to trombone processions, to classical vocal pieces. I had the opportunity of speaking to members of Penn State’s infamous Blue Band, as well as being able to twirl with the Touch of Blue majorette team. The rest of my day was spent exploring the college of music and sitting in and participating in the music ed. classes. I participated in amazing classes such as “1st Year Music Ed. Seminar,” “Piano Performance/Technique 1,” “Concert Choir,” and more. Singing with Penn State’s concert choir was my favorite experience of the day because they are world renowned performers. Due to touring in the summer, Penn State’s Concert Choir has performed in several different countries and continents. For example, this summer the Concert Choir is touring a showcase in Australia! What really made my mind up that Penn State’s music program may be the right choice for me is the fact that out of the 45,000 students on Penn State’s University Park campus, only 300 of those students, grad. and undergrad., are enrolled in the college of music. I can get a small school experience, while being on a large campus. Due to my wonderful experiences at this fall tour day, Penn State is the new top college on my list.

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