Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Mothering Sunday

Today was my first Mother's Day as a mummy, and it was really special. I am so lucky to have a gorgeous healthy baby boy, and each time I look at him I feel blessed.

Kerr gave me a lovely card and this sweet little Momiji doll as a gift. I had never heard of these dolls before - they all come with a tiny wee card tucked up inside them for a personal message to be written. They also seem to have random interests - the box on mine says 'I like jam tarts and ornithology'. Very apt considering kerrsdaddy is an avid twitcher!

Kerr was a sweetheart today and slept for 3 hours in the afternoon, which allowed me to get the dinner prepared for my parents coming to visit - Roast beef with all the trimmings, followed by cheesecake, yum! Kerrsdaddy was busy doing the housework while I cooked.

We had a lovely meal and evening with mum and dad. Feet up now, enjoying an hour or so of catching up with blip comments and emails before bed.
Ready for another week to begin.

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