
By kaitiemae

Winter is More Than Just Cold.

So guys I guess it’s safe to say that autumn is pretty much over, huh? It’s a shame really, as it did go by pretty fast, but now it’s time to move on and embrace winter……Yay. Actually I don’t mind winter that much, unlike some others in my family. I love being out in the snow, and there’s a lot of great stuff about winter. Wow, it seems like just last week I was listing why I like fall, and yet here we are, already moving on, the colorful leaves and scent of maple long forgotten, only to be replaced by snowmen and hot chocolate. But that’s okay, right? Time goes on, things change. But they aren’t gone forever; the seasons all have their turn on this earth, and right now is winter’s time to shine. And shine it will, with the light glistening off of the freshly fallen snow, the Christmas lights dazzling against the dark of night. There will be lots of warm cookies, hot tea and sweaters. There will be sleigh rides and snow angels and school cancelations. Winter is probably the season that gets the most negative feedback. I know a lot of people who hate winter. All they can see when they think of it is everything being cold, wet, and grey. To them winter is just something that you have to go through to get to spring. If they would just stop and look up out of their blanket cocoons for a minute they would see that winter is actually a beautiful season. Oh well, I guess it’s their loss. For now, I’m just going to enjoy my sweaters and snow and hot tea.

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