snip snip

Today, Danny had his first professional haircut since he was 11 years old! Our friend Monica used to work as a hairdresser...Danny's been teaching her English for 4 weeks, 2 hours every morning (a month intense crash course!), so the haircut was a thankyou. I liked the light around their feet....

Anyway, on with the day...I'm about to go our prayer walking and journaling...then meeting an Argentinian later for coffee & language.

Today (as of 2 o'clock!) I'm grateful for;
1) Monica - she has been so instrumental in our lives here...she used to work in the café where everything began...(not THE café!)
2) Sunshine! It's been so grey and wet here recently...nice to wake up to blue sky and sun.
3) Danny having no sense of smell and therefore being in charge of jobs such as taking bins out. I think I have the opposite problem - highly developed sense of smell!

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