Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17


I think one of these leaves has been playing with her curling tongs!!! :O These leaves stand tall in a neighbour's garden across the road, they're about 7 foot, and look rather lovely when the sun glows on them. The neighbours however moved in a while ago and never speak ... pfft - they have no glow! :(
I enquired today about an evening photography course at Keighley college and spoke at length with a very helpful lady who ran the course. It starts on the 24th Feb and runs for 10 weeks, 7 - 9 and is excellent value I think at just £46. She needs at least 8 people to attend to run the course and currently has 4. Anyone free on a Tuesday evening in the spring to join me? 2 weeks of the course is an introduction to Photoshop and one of my NY's resolutions is to learn PS.... and to wear more skirts and dresses ... and less jeans!
Weeee heeeee - it's the weeeeeekend.... enjoy! :) xx

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