Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Bright sunshine today

I've taken many photographs at La Vallette bathing pools but my lovely wide angle lens (did I mention that I have this super duper wide angle lens? No, I didn't think so..) hadn't been there so since it was such a sunny morning but with plenty of cloud interest I decided today was the day.

It was pretty cold but still there were quite a few people getting changed after their daily swim and one lady was still swimming lengths. There were also three divers having scuba lessons. I found it very difficult to choose which pic to blip but eventually opted to bow to gentle pressure from those who comment on how black and white or sepia Guernsey looks these days and give you full colour reflections. Another on the shortlist was this one which might find favour with lovers of rust. I may retake that one with a macro lends another day...

I'm sorry that once again I seem to have fallen behind with viewing and commenting on your journals. I must learn to manage my time better but something always seems to come up. The latest hurdle I'm trying to conquer is to learn something I haven't seriously rung before so that we can ring a quarter peal of it to celebrate someone's 90th birthday a week today. Need to get my brain in gear and my hands co-operating!

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