Do I Look Stupid or What?

Have you noticed how some dogs are getting dressed up these days, whether to ostensibly keep them warm or to substitute them for absent children?
The custom can range from knitted or fleecy coats for skinny dogs like whippets to jackets for larger dogs with small panniers incorporated at the side, which might carry water, biscuits or even their own poo bags.

This wee chap's owner had decided that it was the Christmas get up for him, although I'm glad to say there were no attached fairy lights. That might have added insult to injury and had the big boys, Staffies and Alsatians laughing at him.

Apart from the get up, we felt very sorry for him as he sat shaking with distress at being separated from his owner while buses, cars and a screaming blue flashing ambulance passed feet away from him.

It was eye wateringly cold this morning with the first of the winter salt spread on the pavements. His Lordship and I were glad to get the shopping done and scurry back to the relative warmth of the house.
The Christmas tree is up now, earlier this year, to add a bit of cheer to the dark days of early December.

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