Live it loud!

By Lostpixel


An early start this morning - A trip into Birmingham to visit the German Market. We had intended to get into the city by train from Birmingham International as we've done for a number of years. However, last night's local tv news was full of disaster stories from last weaken where over 100,000 people more than normal used New Street Station leading to hours of misery as people queued to get into the station, to queue to get onto platforms.

We decided instead to drive all the way in and we parked right under the window of the office where I used to work twenty years ago. Just five minutes walk from there to the market. We arrived at ten and it was quite quiet. Quickly however, it got busy. Not as crush busy as last year thankfully. One of the reasons we go is to get a drink. Not the usual gluhwein but mulled cider with rum - delicious! Followed by bratwurst! Having looked around, fed and watered it was time for the serious shopping.

On the way back we called into Coventry to look at a model of a car that Gail is thinking about. Test drive next Saturday, but I suspect she is hooked already. I just found the perfect example, brand new, knock down price and just 60 miles away…..

This is of course the Rotunda building. Once it looked on the whole of the city centre but is now dwarfed by several much taller buildings. It is still a landmark because of it's circular form.

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