All About The Mother

My blip has to be all about The Mother today as that is what has overwhelmed my thoughts.

Today I had a meeting at the hospital with our Social Services case worker, one of the senior nursing staff and the physiotherapist. The Mother's hospitalization has been documented in great detail and I was asked for information prior to her admission to Carlisle on 17th September.

What they have been intimating all along was made official today: The Mother is now needing full nursing care so cannot go back to Cold Springs Park. She is medically ready for discharge but the forms we filled in together today have to go before the NHS board for approval. This will NOT happen quickly but in the meantime I have to visit all the care homes in the area and put them in order of preference.

The Poor Mother will NOT be able to have a place within the town, we don't have any suitable homes. It will be Carlisle, Low Hesket, Appleby or Keswick (not much chance of a vacancy there!)

I am relieved to have had a decision made, even though it puts The Mother further from me. She has obviously responded well to prayers and treatment and no longer requires a place in hospital. She has been saying almost daily that she wants to go home. I will have to be truthful and tell her it won't be Cold Springs and that it won't be before Christmas. I will be removing her things from Cold Springs on Sunday.

Guess what! I'm allowed to let her have a sherry on Wednesday for her birthday, and another at Christmas, the nurse said!

Although The Mother spends a lot of time having hallucinations and I wonder how much time she is in the real world, today she recognised and named her Social worker whom she has only seen relatively few times, and asked her how she would say something in German (she is a German lady)!

Things are going well!

So, it had to be a blip of The Mothers Christmas cactus, it's teeming with flowers just now.

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