
It's never good news when the phone wakes you up! It was my neighbour across the road telling me everyone else had lights on but us and we needed to be up! 7.30am on a morning after a lovely celebration last night!

When I had let The Mate's Dog out at 11pm, all had been well. Apparently when the neighbour's husband woke at 2am our garden was flooded. It still was when I looked out and took this shot before 8.

In fact some parts of the garden shown here, have been too deep to get to without water going over the wellie tops. The house has been surrounded by water all day and still is. Earlier in the evening we were down to within 50mm of it getting through the door. That's when we stuck Duck tape round the lower section of the door and frame and kept an eye on the water level through the cat flap, that was the next place it could have got through!

Our air bricks have a flood guard over them so we are safe from water rising through the floorboards.

I've been so pleased by a chance to save Blip, but have been far to busy to study the options, just expressed my support to a team whose journals I know already. Well done, them!

EDIT: I have been trying to post this for hours and now I find there is dreadful devastation throughout Cumbria. I apologise for moaning about being woken up early! Hope my blipmates Trevor and Ros are OK.

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