
By HowWonderful

Today I Met Some Of My Lovely Family

I had a busy day today.

This morning Mummy and Daddy took me to meet Mummy's cousin Charmaine and her son Niall. Aunty Janet was there too so I got lots cuddles from both of them.

It's lucky that I like meeting new people because we then went out to a place called Rooke in Chapel Amble which is the farm where Grampie grew up. Mummy's Uncle Rob and Aunty Gill live there, and I also got to meet Mummy's cousin Jenna and their dog Hooch. Then it was off to Polzeath to see Mummy's cousin Sarah. Daddy liked showing me the beach where he used to surf.

On our way home we popped in to meet Aunty Di and Uncle Malc and then it was time to go home where Nain and Taid we're waiting for us.

Then it was time to head in to Padstow to watch the light parade and to see Santa arriving by horse drawn coach. It was a lovely festive evening, Mummy enjoyed carrying me in my sling and showing me off to her friends.

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