Raindrops keep falling on my head.

As the weather was showery this morning, J decided to have a cooking session, instead of going out on his motorcycle. I walked up the shops to get the newspaper and on my way back, i took a few photos of the local football team and this view of the black clouds over the fields. I wasn't happy with any of the photos, so J said we would go out this afternoon. The kitchen was smelling wonderful when i walked in, and J was making haggis, black pudding, swede and carrot, topped off with a sliced potato topping, and putting it into individual pie dishes. He made five for our daughter, son-in-law and Katie and they came to pick them up. They stayed for a coffee, and just as they were leaving , a friend of J's called to borrow a clutch tool to dismantle a clutch. We haven't seen him for a while, so he stayed for a cup of tea. He used to own a motorcycle shop , which is were J met him, and later on he was a collage lecturer. He lost his wife a few years ago and is a really nice guy. I left them in the living room, to have some "man chat" and went off to write the Christmas cards. By the time he left, it was nearly dark, so we couldn't go out. I had to look through this mornings photos, and this was the only one that was blippable. I will try to do better tomorrow. I am looking forward to tasting J's lastest creation very soon.

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