Tater Du Lighthouse


…………..We’ve finished our 'Cornish Lighthouses and Lifeboat Stations Project'. Yay!

It was lovely and sunny in St Ives this morning and our weather app was full of little sunshine symbols so Ann said, ‘Molly, let’s go for a walk to 'Tater Du Lighthouse' and get this project finished.’

Well, after Wednesday's failed attempt to blip the lighthouse,, Ann came up with a very clever, cunning, plan which meant that we didn’t have to park in the 'Lamorna Cove Car Park' (where ‘horrid man’ sits in a car waiting for people to go one second over their time and then issues them with a big fat parking fine!!!)

She said, ‘Molly, we’ll park in a layby at the top of the 'St Loy Valley', walk down the valley, onto the coast path and along to the lighthouse. I reckon it will take us about three hours to get there and back. That will be a lovely walk for us on such a beautiful day.’

…………Best laid plans and all that??!!

It had rained in the night so it was very muddy in the St Loy valley. The storms earlier in the year had washed away a lot of the coast path so we had to scramble over a load of big boulders, then we had to walk up a steep cliff path which was very muddy & slippy and then, when we got to the top of the cliff and the lighthouse came into view, it started to absolutely pour with rain!!!

By this point we’d been walking for almost an hour, Ann reckoned it was going to take us at least another half an hour to reach the lighthouse. And we had to come back along the same route. So she said, ‘Molly, why do you think zoom lens were invented? I’m just going to take a photo of this lighthouse from here and make a collage!!!!’

………….So that is what we’ve done.

And to see the rest of our ‘Cornish Lighthouses & Lifeboat Stations Project’ just click here and then click on the bottom of each subsequent BLIP to see the rest of the project.

And if anyone is interested – other projects we’ve done are:

An A-Z of places in Cornwall

An A-Z around the Cornish coastline

100 places in Cornwall that start with the letter 'P'

Just click on any of the 'yellow' bits above to view our previous projects.

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