
By Yeda

The Diner

It is said that this diner has been cooking up the best down home meals since the 1940's. All though this can not be confirmed/denied at this time, we certainly enjoyed a fine meal that was definitely not politically correct, as the portions were huge and the fries were awesome. The kids enjoyed sitting all on their own up at the counter, ordering from their own menu, and pretending not to know us, except for when they want dessert and have to ask permission before ordering again.

We came up north (New York State) on a nearly six hour car ride to visit with our friends A & H. We had such a wonderful time with them, as we always do, but then things turned sour. We discovered early into the morning on Sunday that their basement was flooded. It had been raining all weekend, quite heavily, but they never had an issue like this in their basement before. Turns out a little mouse built up his house in the drain and quite successfully blocked passage of built up rainwater in the drain field. So, from 1am to 6am we removed as much as we could from the 5-inch deep flood. The fire department brought their water pump around 3am. The mouse wasn't found out until around 8 or so.

It was a major inconvenience/pain for our friends, who I wish we could have stayed longer to keep helping. On a positive note, most of the the stuff was recyclables and clothes for charity. It was also clean water, as opposed to sewer water, so most stuff just needed a good air drying. Yes, I noticed quite a few things were destroyed entirely, but A & H have already spoken of the obvious, "It's just stuff, anyway." So, we all took a break and headed over to the diner where we could lament this unfortunate event, and drown our worries in burgers, fries, and a chocolate milkshake.

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