Not So Hot

This morning I decided to make it a 'No Camera Day', so I intentionally left the Canon at home as I ventured out. Took Tara with me so my first stop had to be somewhere to walk her. Not that 'walking her' is nearly as effective at tiring her out as is a visit to the dog park, but I just needed a break from the whole dog park 'scene'. So off we went to Kanapaha Botanical Gardens, where 'well-behaved' canines are welcomed... On leash of course.

The Gardens are fertile ground for procuring a blip but all I had with me was my iPhone. My northern friends, I thought of you as a maneuvered my trusty phone into position, Tara tugging at the leash, making it impossible to hold anywhere near still as I snapped these Kniphofia blooms. Most of us know them by Red Hot Poker or Torch Lily, whatever...I thought they had a 'warming look' to them.

My other, 'non-award winning' photo made today was of a Tiny Moss World happily thriving on the top of a fence post. So, who knew? Perhaps an interesting idea for a photo series...'Tiny Worlds Where You Least Expect Them'. They seem to be all around us, should we happen to look, like this one I blipped a while back...Tiny World in a Drop of Water. Hope you are all having a peaceful Sunday :)

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