Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Making it personal

Colmar Christmas market, Alsace, France. Basel is in such a great location that is it possible to nip to France on a Friday evening for even more Christmas markets! Colmar is a gorgeous little town. It was like walking around a fairytale.

Day 5: It's easy to reel off "Jesus came to earth to die for our sins" as the golden Sunday school answer. Trust me, I was that child in Sunday school who had all the "answers" but never understood the impact they had. I remember the first time I realised the full extent of my sin and understood the good news of the gospel for me as an individual. Sure, I was a 12 year old girl about to start high school at an SU summer camp but I know from that moment when I truly believed for the first time my life was changed.

Jesus came to die for Fiona because she keeps messing up and needs saved from eternal death. He loves me too much to leave me as I am. He did it for each and every one of us. I encourage you to stop and think about what Jesus' coming means for you personally if you haven't considered it before. He loved you enough to hang on that cross so you don't have to face the consequence of your sin. What good news!

“The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Gal. 2:20)

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