Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Sing, choirs of angels...

Another day, another Christmas market. Yesterday I was in France's oldest market in Colmar. Today I continued that theme and went to Stuttgart which holds Germany's oldest (and biggest!) Christmas market according to the guidebooks. I was looking for a choir of angels for today's photo (and for a potential Christmas present) and I had to choose between quite a few photos today!

Day 6: Jesus' birth was announced to some shepherds by a choir of angels. No little newspaper advertisement, no Facebook life event, it was the full works - the heavenly host. The only birth I can attempt to compare that to was that of Prince George in 2013. With bated breath, the world's media waited for news of a new heir to the British throne. Spectacular and significant births deserve attention. If the birth of Jesus resulted in a chorus of heavenly voices bringing great news of great joy and the hand delivered precious gifts of wise men from the east he must have been bound for great things.

The angels sang "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests." (Luke 2:14). Jesus showed us what God is like. He is perfect, set apart and his death on the cross in our place is an incredible thing that I still can't wrap my head around and believe I never will. He gives us the peace of knowledge that if we accept him as our Lord and saviour we are saved from hell and will know life to the full in a loving relationship with our creator. This is why we sing glory to God. Not out of fear, but in awe of his love for us.

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