
By tookie

Barred Owl

I received a text from my good pal J that an owl was sitting in their Maple tree out back...her hubby R said it was a Barred Owl. I was very excited and asked it they minded if I came over and tried to get a picture....they said sure and I threw the tripod and big ole Nikon in and was off...forgot my driver's license but of course I wasn't going to speed:) The first shots out their bedroom window through glass were "ok" , but I was able to sneak out onto their deck and set up my tripod and do a long exposure them...had to crank the ISO way up but what the hec!!! I also added a tad of poster edges in Cs5 so the Owl popped out more.

I'm happy with the results so sharing this Owl with blippers tonight!!! My first ever Owl shot:) I'm excited!!! Thanks to J and R for taking the time and being so thoughtful to give me a jingle:) And no speeding ticket resulted from this blip.

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