Still getting bigger

Today Lincoln woke up at 10.15! I should have got a lot done with this spare time but I kept thinking he'd get up any minute so I kept patiently waiting. He didn't nap much yesterday so this must have been making up for it.

After his big sleep in we had a busy day. We caught up with an old family friend from Brisbane and had lunch out. I put Lincoln in a Highchair at the cafe and it was a great success (for about ten minutes). He loves sitting up so much. I think he enjoyed the novel way of playing with his toys. After lunch we went for a big walk through town to show the friend what's not there anymore. Lincoln slept the whole time which was amazing. And lucky for him because there was a bitterly cold wind so he got to be bundled up in a wooly hat and a blanket.

In the afternoon aunty k dropped by to visit. For about the third time when she's been over Lincoln completely lost the plot and was inconsolable. It works out well being able to share the load of a screaming baby. Eventually we got it under control and he treated her by showing off his rolling skills (something he's rudely not done for nana and poppa).

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