Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

The 1st Violin concert this Christmas

It was Jonathan's turn first to entertain us with his violin playing at the school concert - and the boy done good!!

First we enjoyed hearing the P5 and P6 pupils and then it was the P7's turn.

Jonathan and his pal, gave us a few Christmas tunes to enjoy and if memory serves me correctly, this was Jonathan's solo of Jingle bells.....

.... and why - I hear you cry - is his teacher keeping the timing correct in the background?? Probably all to do with the first time around Jonathan decided that the backing track was just "far too slow" to do the great tune any justice!!!

"I will speed up and play this song how it should be played" were the thoughts of my youngest!!

"Oh no you won't!! and I will keep you in line" boy!!! could well have been the reply from his teacher!!

All in all everyone had great fun!

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