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By pplnani

Redwings and Berries

I just couldn't ignore the lovely sunshine again so I wrapped myself up and had a breath of air along the lakeside. There were lots of water birds feeding hungrily in the centre of the lake and one or two wandering around on the grass but when I got back to the car park a small flock of redwings arrived to feast on the berries around the edge. They were quite hard to get a shot of because they were constantly on the go, so I took several shots and then, as usual, I couldn't make up my mind which one to post, so I made a collage of some of the more acceptable photos.

On a similar theme I am struggling to try to pick an image for the photo group's 'Shot of the Year' competition on Wednesday. The first decision was whether to enter or not. I had originally decided not to because I think photography is too subjective for just one person to judge a selection according to certain photography 'rules' and pick just one shot and proclaim it as 'The Best' - however I felt that as part of the group I should support their activities, so I thought I would give it a go. I am reasonably familiar with the 'rules' of photography but rarely adhere to them - I like what I like whether it adheres to the rules or not! So I tend not to have many shots that do :-)) I have narrowed it down to 4 shots, 2 of which I really like but are not really photographically 'correct' and 2 which I feel adhere to these rules but are somewhat more run of the mill. I've got a feeling I will end up picking one out of a hat - oh to be decisive ;-)))

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