
By willcarroll

Chasing shaddows

Having retrieved my car from the garage on Friday evening, I made a start down to Yorkshire with three climber-friends.

We were going to stay with two other friends of mine in Yorkshire. Half of the people sitting in my car had yet to meet those we were to spend our weekend with. And yet I was confident that they'd get on like old mates. Fortunately my confidence wasn't misplaced.

It gives me great pleasure to bring people of similar minds together. I'm an observer of people and things (perhaps this is where the photography comes from in me). There are few things that please me more than watching two people become friends. Even moreso if I have helped to bring them together.

In the image, an unknown climber emerges out of the shaddow that tracks across Malham Cove through the day. As we keep on meeting new people in life, so our perceptions are kept from being overtaken by shaddow. So lets keep on climbing.

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