Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Ding Dong

I went to work for 90 minutes today. They asked me to cover for the reception teacher while she was in a meeting. I imagine that the pay for 90 minutes work hardly covers the diesel there and back.

No chance of getting our decorations out but I did manage to find the bag of christmas cards from last year ('cos I don't want to send one to anybody who didn't send us one last year) and found our naff little artificial tree. So as a small gesture of seasonal goodwill, I plonked it in the sitting room and switched it on and hung a little ornament on it.

We had our last choir practice before our performance on Saturday at The Linton Christmas Market. In one of the carols, the altos literally sing 'Ding Dong, Ding Dong' over and over. I always end up having it on the brain for hours after. We went for a drink after choir practice and I'm still singing 'Ding Dong'.
I can tell that D is really looking forward to hearing that one by the way he keeps telling me to shut up.

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