The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline


As I left the office today one of my senior managers called me to say they found a bracelet by my seat and was it mine. Luckily I was still in the building as I had to check something with the big boss before I left the building so I got it back. Very pleased as it was a gift.

As I then ran for the tube I lost a glove. Gutted as it is cold but if I had to lose something today I much rather have the loss of a glove than this bracelet.

I met with my friend Kirsten and we went to this place called Flesh and Bun for dinner. The food was great but the place itself just a little too loud for those evenings you are trying to catch up with friends.

It's was a great night and lovely having a proper chat - it was quite easy to completely lose track of time!

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