Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Spring is in the Air

Today marked the first day of Spring I spent most of the day working out in the backyard with the kiddos. We had a lot of cleaning up of leaves to do from the old maple that covers my back yard. This tree drops so many leaves, and with the rain they have plastered themselves to the concrete patio. The tree also prevents a decent growth of grass, leaving many bald spots leading to several spots of mud. We took a quick trip to Orchard Supply to pick up a couple of bags of sand to fill in between the bricks and to cover some of the muddy spots. Why do they have to put so many candy treats next to the register at a HARDWARE STORE! That led to begging on my kids behalf. Anyways, I have a bad back, so now it's moaning at me for trying to do weeding today. Loren got mad at the lawnmower, so I took that over too. :D We have a very small backyard, so I am amazed that I could fill a lawn refuse container full of leaves.

We also got rid of a lot of old outdoor toys...a little bit of 'outside spring cleaning'. Some of the toys were soaking in a tote with stagnant rainwater that snuck into it from winter, so that was pretty disgusting cleaning the toys & the tote! I tried to sneak over to a dumpster to get rid of the useless broken toys, but I ended up being more overt than I planned when an old man watched me rid my van of the 2 bags.

I caught this pic of my baby pink camelia flowers already in bloom. It was sunny and in the 70s today! Yay for spring---my favorite season!

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